The Scenarios

For a scenario to be listed here, we have to have uncovered it during playing. Either through the normal story path, or though gaining access via random encounters.

Scenarios are listed as:

  • Pending - Not yet attempted.
  • Failed - Has been attempted, but we were defeated.
  • Blocked - The Scenario has been blocked by other choices we have made.
  • Complete - Well, it's been completed.
  1. Black Barrow - Complete. Our initial offer of work from Jekserah the Valrath.
  2. Barrow Lair - Complete. Followed the Barrow further down to find our quarry.
  3. Inox Encampment - Pending. A further request from Jekserah to get at the Inox that have been wrecking her caravans.
  4. Crypt of the Damned - Pending. A interesting location suggesting we find out more about the "Gloom".
  5. Chained Isle - Failed. Random side scenario map taken from Treasure Chest in the Black Barrow.