The Savvas value power above all else. This severe and exclusionary race has rocky, uneven skin except for their chests, which appear as smooth, transparent glass. Beneath the surface of that glass is the manifestation of their power - energy cores fashioned from the elements they have mastered. Ice, fire, air, and earth - before a Savvas masters at least one of these elements and obtains its power as their own, they are considered nothing. Thus, from an early age, Savvas children study feverishly to gain mastery over a single element, typically spending 20 years of devoted effort to do so. Some Savvas have been known to live among other races, using their elemental mastery in one form of another, but this is largely frowned upon by the majority of Savvas as a base and primitive way to live.
There are many Savvas, however, who never attain the mastery of an element, and are exiled from the society, having no choice but to live amount the other races or in solitude. Before a Cragheart is exiled, however, they earn their name by having their chest cavity marred and shattered, forever reminding them of their inadequacy. But Craghearts are not without their strengths. Even with no control or mastery, they still have an affinity for their native earth and can display great feats of strength with their rocky stature.
Card Count: 11
Health Values per Level
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 |
Basic Stamina Chart
(Image from BoardGameMath)
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